Saturday, March 28, 2009

For Beth

To alleviate sadness number 1, I hereby post again.

When I lived in Boulder, there was a gold Subaru Brat that lived across the street from Luaren's house. Our family, via Beth, has a special connection to Brats, so I noticed it immediately. At some point sometime, the older fellow who lived there was out in the street at the same time I was and I asked him about the car. He let me drive it around the block, which was pretty cool. 


  1. Daniel, that is awesome! You are now one of the select few people who have driven a BRAT! :) And I keep capitalizing it because it is an acronym...Bi-Recreational All-Terrain Vehicle, or something along those lines...

  2. Ahhh, Daniel, I think of Beth everytime I see a BRAT as well! (Which isn't often!!)
